Wednesday, April 7, 2010

W... W... W... Wednesdays

This is a meme after my own heart...books. If you haven't already gotten the hint I LOVE books. I wish I could dedicate my life to reading books but sadly just squeeze it in when I can. So, I am going to participate in W... W... W... Wednesdays over at Should Be Reading.

What are you currently reading?

I am actually reading these two simultaneously right now. Because obviously.

Dead Until Dark is the book that the HBO series "True Blood" is based on. Now, I haven't seen the show but damn the book is intriguing. It's a mix of sex, mystery, sci fi and romance...all mixed up in one big vampire stew. I am half way through and loving it. Escapism at it's finest.

And I am just a couple of pages into the Lincoln one so stay tuned for a review.

*** PLEASE NOTE: I would just like to say that I am really not that into vampires and zombies. It just happens that MANY of the books I have read recently (including the Twilight series) falls into this category. It's all the rage right now and I'm hip like that. All the cool kids are doing it.

What did you recently finish reading?

See this post.

What do you think you'll read next?

I will be reading The Help. I cannot wait to start this one. It is our next bookclub book and it has been on my "to-read" list for many months. I have read so many glowing reviews of this book I hope it will live up to all the praise! I'm sure it will.


  1. What did I last read? D.W. The Big Boss

    What will I read next? D.W. The Big Boss

    What can I say? We love Arthur books!!

  2. Oh and one more thing - I am always like 5 years behind trends :-(

    I just watched Harry Potter.

    I didn't read the DiVinci Code until it had come out as a movie (then I read Angels and Demons ASAP)

    I am always behind. I am just catching on to Big Hair.

  3. Oh, I want to read "The Help" too!! Can you skype me into your bookclub?! Please?! Pretty please?! ;-)

  4. I'm currently reading the 6th book in the Sookie Stackhouse Series (Dead Until Dark is the 1st). I've very much loved all of the books so far. The 10th comes out in May, I think? True Blood is my favorite show!!

  5. I'm currently reading Club Dead, book 3 in the Sookie Stackhouse Series and I love them. I just recently saw a couple episodes of HBO's True Blood and even though I thought they were ok, I much prefer the books. I read The Help when it came out and LOVED it! I'm sure you will too. The characters are wonderful! Enjoy your books!

  6. Mmm... more books for my ever-growing list :)

  7. I read The Help for my book club-you will LOVE it. It is just a great story. If you don't love Helen by the end I'll be surprised.

    I've read a lot of the Charlaine Harris books, and I love them! I've also watched True Blood, and it is actually really well done. A lot like the books, which I find rare in a series done from a book.

  8. Oh my gosh, I cannot wait to hear what you think about The Help. It has become one of my all time favorite books. LOVED it! The pie and the po boy sandwich... Oh boy, you will love it!

  9. I haven't read a book since we've moved. Sad. I love vampires though and have been watching TruBlood on HBO. It's pretty weird!


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